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Work Experience

Kenya Centers of Academicians and Diverse Oriented Research (KCADOR).


Period: April 2018 – August 2018


Worked as a mentor in their student program, assisting students in setting their goals as well as

unlocking their academic and mental potential in their gifting. While helping them analyze weak areas and come up with a goal-oriented plan.


Academic Qualifications:

September 2018 - April 2023

Multimedia University of Kenya| Bachelor of Science In Computer Technology

January 2014 - December 2017

Rang'ala Boys High School | High Schools

Grade B

Professional Qualifications:

January 2019 - June 2019

IBM and Multimedia University Scholarship Program

Data Science

& Expertise

Technical Attributes:
  • Python

  • SQL

  • Pandas

  • Matplotlib/Seaborn

  • Numpy

  • Tensorflow

  • Keras

  • Pytorch

  • Machine Learning

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Deep Learning

  • Heroku Cloud Platform

  • AWS Sagemaker

  • Jupyter Notebooks

  • Git/Github

  • Power BI (basics)

Personal Attributes:
  • Effective Communication Skills. 

  • Fast Learner.

  • Self-driven.

  • Curious about learning new technologies.


  • English – Native Language.

  • Kiswahili –Native Language.

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